friendships and cole haans

I love the Nike+ Cole Haan shoes. Seriously. But much like my other favorite pairs of shoes (all sandals, of course), they are a bitch to break in. I wore these little gems today (rose gold, if you want to get specific), and now I have two battle wounds. Two giant blisters on each heel….


Hmm… yesterday I wrote about Rabbit, Rabbit, and today, I open my wordpress at exactly 11:11. Are the stars finally aligning in my favor? Fingers crossed. Today I FINALLY signed up to become a Pound Instructor. If you read my run section, you would know that Pound is one of my three favorite workouts (aside…

Rabbit, rabbit

Happy June! I cannot believe we’re already halfway through 2014. Didn’t think of that, did you? Well, rabbit, rabbit! Do you guys say that first thing in the morning on the 1st of the month? If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read more about that here. I’ve probably been rabbit, rabbit-ing since…